What’s MY “What’s Next?”

What’s MY “What’s Next?”
Thomas Thompson
April 12, 2022
min read

I’ve spent the last few years helping leaders navigate what’s next.

In their leadership,

In their organization,

And in their life and career.

Today, I step into stewarding the next season of MY life.

I have accepted the part time role of Community Affairs Advisor to the new Mayor of Colorado Springs–starting today!  You can read the news story HERE.

I’ll be serving as the eyes, ears, voice, and presence of the Mayor with the faith, nonprofit, and business communities.  And I’ll also get to foster intentional leadership development through the Mayor’s Civic Leaders Fellowship and other special projects and initiatives.

This engagement was an easy “Heck, Yeah!” for me, because it passed my “Heck, Yeah!” Filter:

  1. It is deeply interesting work.  “Is this work deeply interesting to me?” is a focusing question I give leaders to filter their stewardship in the second half of their careers.  

  1. It aligns with my purpose. I find my life as I give it away in three areas, and one of the three is to Seek the Flourishing of the City

  1. It values my investment.  I will get to serve our city, and also CONTINUE to coach leaders and give my life towards people and causes I believe in.

I am grateful to God and to our new Mayor for this opportunity.  It means the world to me.  It also means I will need to level up my OWN self leadership as I focus how I steward my coaching investment.

What does this mean for YOU?

Two things:

1. I am narrowing my coaching focus to exclusively helping CEOs, ED’s, and Point Leaders level up their leadership, navigate transitions, and scale their teams, and setting aside my Board Development, Sabbatical Coaching, and Team Training work.  I am excited to continue to work with some fantastic leaders of leaders.

2.  If you are a Point Leader considering how you are stepping into stewarding YOUR next season, check out my Heck, Yeah! Filter.  It will help you create your focus filter so you can invest your life in WHO and WHAT will give you the best return on your leadership investment.

Thomas helps Point Leaders navigate what’s next in their lives, leadership, and teams.  If he can serve you in this, reach out to him HERE.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

I founded Thompson Leadership to come alongside leaders like you. Together, we will unpack your unique leadership, unearth your biggest challenge, and create an action plan to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
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